Olio Card
convenient, free and easy to use
Olio Card is Oleificio Cooperativo di Ostuni’s Loyalty Card that allows you to have many advantages and services.
Getting one is easy and quick: click here and fill in the request form for your Olio Card. All completely free.
We remind you that the Olio Card is a strictly personal Loyalty card and cannot be transferred to third parties and it allows you to take part in promotions and discounts reserved for card holders.
In addition to guaranteeing you exclusive discounts on our products, Olio Card also always keeps you up to date on the activities, events and promotions by the Oleificio Cooperativo di Ostuni.
In addition, you will receive regular recipes to combine with our oils with various types of dishes in order to better appreciate the taste.
What are you waiting for?
Ask for your Olio Card!
Are you already a customer but don’t have your Olio Card yet?
Request it here!
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